Johnson Organic Bed Bug Removal & Control
Johnson Organic Pest Control is the first company in West Michigan to use APPREHEND FUNGAL TECHNOLOGY to eliminate bedbugs without harmful chemicals.
APPREHEND technology allows us to treat your home for bedbugs using fungal spores. These spores infect and kill the bedbugs within 4-10 days. Spray treatments last for three months.
Using beneficial organisms to kill pests is a tried-and-true organic method used for centuries with other bugs. Only recently has science developed the ability to concentrate a bedbug-killing fungus that can be sprayed on effectively.
The service schedule is as such:
Initial Visit: $425-$625
2 week follow-up: $85.00
This program gives you a three-month retreat guarantee. If bedbugs are found for up to three months after the follow-up visit, we will reapply at no charge.
OPTIONAL: Extended Warranty Service
You may opt-in to add a three-month warranty extension visit to treat your home again with the APPREHEND technology. This will give you an additional three months beyond the initial warranty.
No other company can offer you such an effective bedbug service. APPREHEND technology is more effective than typical conventional bedbug sprays. And it’s considerably more effective than heat.